__ Dr. Frank Gentry's Published Research
Books and Edited Books:
- Consulting Editor of the English Edition. Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture. Vol. 4 . Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2021.
- Consulting Editor of the English Edition. Encyclopedia of Jewish History and Culture. Vol. 3 (G-LE). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2020.
- Co-Supervisor of the English Edition (with Tim Barnwell). Brill's Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages. 2 vols. Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2017.
- Managing Editor. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. Classical Tradition. Vol. 5 (RUS-ZOR). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2010.
- Managing Editor. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. Classical Tradition. Vol. 4 (OLY-RUL). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2009.
- Managing Editor. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. Classical Tradition. Vol. 3 (JAP-ODE). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2008.
- Managing Editor. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. Classical Tradition. Vol. 2 (DEM-IUS). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2007.
- Managing Editor. Brill’s New Pauly: Encyclopedia of the Ancient World. Classical Tradition. Vol. 1 (A-DEL). Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2006.
- A Companion to Hartmann von Aue. Columbia (S.C.): Camden House, 2005.
- A Companion to Middle High German Literature to the 14th Century. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 2002.
- The Nibelungen Tradition: An Encyclopedia (with Winder McConnell, Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich). New York & London: Routledge, 2002
- Erzählkunst des Mittelalters: Festschrift für Alois Wolf (with Eckart Lutz and Martina Backes). Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1999.
- Heroic Epic [= The German Library, Volume 1.] New York: Continuum, 1995. [with James K. Walter].
- Bibliographie zur frühmittelhochdeutschen Dichtung. Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 1992.
- "German Medievalism." Studies in Medievalism 3/4. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1991.
- Gottfried von Straßburg. [= The German Library, Volume 3.] New York: Continuum, 1988. Extensive revision of the Hatto translation and heavily annotated.
- 'Semper idem et novus': Festschrift for Frank Banta. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1988.
- Medieval Tales. [= The German Library, Volume 4.] New York: Continuum, 1983.Medieval Studies in North America: Past, Present, Future (with Christopher Kleinhenz). Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute Publications, 1982.
- Triuwe and Vriunt in the Nibelungenlied. Amsterdam, Rodopi, 1975.
- "The Late Middle Ages." Monatshefte 74/4 (1982).
- “Medievalism in 19th-Century Germany.” In: The Oxford Handbook to Victorian Medievalism. Eds. Corinna Wagner and Joanne Parker 2020.
- “The Nibelungenlied.” In Oxford Bibliographies in Medieval Studies. Ed. Paul E. Szarmach. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018.
- “Poverty.” In: Medieval Culture: A Compendium of Critical Topics. Ed. Albrecht Classen. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2015, 1404-1418.
- “Old Wine in New Bottles: Altgermanistik Research in the Digital Age.” In: Earthly and Spiritual Pleasures in Medieval Life, Literature, Art, and Music: In Memory of Ulrich Müller I. Ed. Sibylle Jefferis. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2014, 1-11.
- “German Studies.” In: Handbook of Medieval Studies. Terms – Methods – Trends. Ed. Albrecht Classen. Berlin, New York: De Gruyter, 2010, 602-618.
- “Harlots, Heretics, and the Highborn: Modern Visions of Medieval Murder.” In: wort und wise, singen unde sagen: Festschrift für Ulrich Müller. Ed. Ingrid Bennewitz. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 2007, 299-316.
- “The Two-Fold Path: Erec and Enite on the Road to Wisdom.” In: A Companion to Hartmann von Aue. Ed. Francis G. Gentry. Columbia (S.C.): Camden House, 2005, 93-103.
- “Asterix and Obelix: The Genesis of the Vernacular Heroic Tradition.” In: Paarungen und Paare: Festschrift für Werner Wunderlich. Ed. Ulrich Müllerand Margarete Springeth. Stuttgart: Hans-Dieter Heinz, 2004, 373-386.
- “Medieval German Literary Research from the Late Nineteenth Century to the Present.” In: German Studies in the United States: A Historical Handbook. Ed. Peter Uwe Hohendahl. New York: MLA, 2003, 275-284.
- “German Literature to 1160.” In: A Companion to Middle High German Literature to the 14th Century. Ed. Francis G. Gentry. Leiden, Boston, Köln: Brill, 2002, 53-115.
- "Gahmuret and Herzeloyde: Gone but not Forgotten." In: A Companion to Wolfram's Parzival. Ed. Will Hasty. Columbia (S.C.): Camden House, 1999, 3-11.
- "Der Teufel in der amerikanischen Kultur und in der biblischen Tradition." In: Dämonen, Monster, Fabelwesen. (Mittelalter Mythen 2). Ed. Ulrich Müller & Werner Wunderlich. St. Gallen: UVK, 1999, 487-493.
- "Key Concepts in the Nibelungenlied." In: A Companion to the Nibelungenlied. Ed. Winder McConnell. Columbia (S.C.): Camden House, 1998, 66-78.
- "'Owe armiu phaffheite': Heinrich von Melk's Views on Clerical Life." In: Medieval Purity and Piety: Essays on Medieval Clerical Celibacy and Religious Reform. Ed. Michael Frassetto. New York: Garland, 1998, 337-352.
- "Annolied." German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 155-164.
- "Notker von Zwiefalten." German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 106-109.
- "Der Arme Hartmann" German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 10-13.
- "Ezzo." German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 34-38.
- "Heinrich von Melk." German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 49-55.
- "Kaiserchronik." Dictionary of Literary Biography: German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (vol. 148) New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 202-207.
- "Silent that Others Might Speak: Notes on the Ackermann aus Böhmen." German Quarterly 67 (1994), 484-492.
- "König Artus und das amerikanische Selbstverständnis: Artusfilme aus Hollywood." In: Moderne Artus Rezeption: 18. - 20. Jahrhundert. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1991. 259-282.
- "The Reception of the Middle Ages in Germany: An Overview." (with Ulrich Müller) In: Studies in Medievalism: German Medievalism. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer Ltd., 1991. 399-422.
- "The Politicization of the Middle Ages: Nationalism and Festivals in Nineteenth-Century Germany." In: Studies in Medievalism: German Medievalism. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer Ltd., 1991. 467-488.
- "Renatus Gotthelf Löbel and the Conversationslexikon." In: "Was in den alten Büchern steht...": Neue Interpretationen von der Aufklärung zur Moderne. Festschrift für Reinhold Grimm. Frankfurt am Main/Bern/New York/Paris: Peter Lang, 1991. 99-123.
- "Herzog Ernst: An Interpretation." In: Fide et Amore. A Festschrift for Hugo Bekker on his Sixty-Fifth Birthday. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1990. 103-119.
- "Hartmann's Erec: The Burden of Kingship." In: King Arthur Through the Ages. Vol I. New York/London: Garland, 1990. 152-169.
- "Mort oder untriuwe? Nibelungenliet und Nibelungennôt." In: Ergebnisse und Aufgaben der Germanistik am Ende des 20. Jahrhunderts. Festschrift für Ludwig Erich Schmitt zum 80. Geburtstag. Hildesheim/Zürich/New York: Olms-Weidmann, 1989. 302-316.
- "The Development of the Concept of 'Simplicity' from Classical Antiquity to the Vernacular Literature of the Middle Ages." In: From the Greeks to the Greens: Images of the Simple Life. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1989. 3-17.
- "A Tale from a City: Moriz von Craûn." In: Semper Idem et Novus. Festschrift for Frank Banta. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1988. 193-207.
- "The Turn toward the World: The Religious and Social Upheaval of the 11th Century and Early Middle High German Literature." In: Gesellschaftsgeschichte: Festgabe für Karl Bosl zum 80. Geburtstag. Band I. München: Oldenbourg, 1988. 45-51.
- "Die Darstellung des Mittelalters im amerikanischen Film von ROBIN HOOD bis EXCALIBUR." In: Mittelalter Rezeption. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1986. 276-295.
- Ulrich Füetrer; Philipp Colin/Claus Wisse: Der nüwe Parzefal; Tristan als Mönch; Der Prosa-Lanzelot. In: The Arthurian Encyclopedia. New York/London: Garland, 1985. (4 articles)
- "Rezeption des Nibelungenliedes in der Weimarer Republik." In: Das Weiterleben des Mittelalters in der deutschen Literatur. Königstein/Ts.: Athenäum, 1983. 142-156.
- " 'Ex oriente lux': Translatio-Theory in Early Middle High German Poetry." In: Spectrum Medii Aevi. Essays in Early German Literature in Honor of George Fenwick Jones. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1983. 119-137.
- "Introduction." In: Medieval Tales. New York: Continuum, 1983 xix-viii.
- "Camelot Revisited: A Polemical Plea." In: Medieval Studies in North America: Past, Present, Future. Kalamazoo: Medieval Institute, 1982. 223-229.
- "Rezeption des Mittelalters in den Vereinigten Staaten: Die Vergangenheit hat doch Zukunft!" In: Mittelalter-Rezeption II. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1982. 81-96.
- "Noker's Memento mori and the Desire for Peace." ABäG. 16 (1981), 25-62.
- "Noker's Memento mori:Translation and Commentary." Allegorica V/2 (1980), 7-18.
- "La lotta per le investiture e la societa medievale tedesca. Per un approccio storico sociologico alla letteratura medievale." L'immagine riflessa 3 (1979), 3-31.
- "Neue Romantik? Westöstliches zum Thema 'Mittelalter'." (with Jost Hermand.) Basis 9 (1979), 122-148.
- "Vruot...verdamnot? Memento mori, vv 61-62." ZfdA. 108 (1979), 299-306.
- "Arbeit in der mittelalterlichen Gesellschaft: Die Entwicklung einer mittelalterlichen Theorie der Arbeit vom 11. bis zum 14. Jahrhundert." In: Arbeit als Thema in der deutschen Literatur vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart. Königstein/Ts.: Athenäum, 1979. 3-28
- "Mittelalterfeiern im 19. Jahrhundert." In: Deutsche Feiern. Wiesbaden: Athenaion, 1977. 9-24.
- "Hagen and the Problem of Individuality in the Nibelungenlied." Monatshefte 68 (1976), 5-12.
- "Trends in Nibelungenlied Research since 1949: A Critical Review." ABäG. 7 (1974) 125-139.
- "Von der karolingischen Kulturreform bis zur Rezeption der höfischen Literatur Frankreichs." In: Deutsche Literatur: Eine Sozialgeschichte: Höfische und andere Literatur. 750-1320. Edited by Ursula Liebertz-Grün. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1988. 46-83.
- Revised English Translation: "German Literature and Culture from Charlemagne to the Early Courtly Period." Dictionary of Literary Biography: German Writers and Works of the Early Middle Ages, 800-1170 (Vol. 148). New York/London: Gale Research, 1995, 327-345.
- Numerous critical reviews and review notes in: Mediävistik, Monatshefte, German Studies, German Studies Review, German Quarterly, Germanistik, Modern Language Journal, Michigan Germanic Studies, Speculum, and Choice.